Sunday, November 21, 2010

Big Girl, You Are Beautiful.

Today is a fairly good day. There is snow on the ground, and I know Bella would have loved it. I hope where ever she is, waiting for me, that there's snow for her to play in. She loved snow.

Last night I was sent a link to a video a friend of mine had made for Bella. She'd used the song Yesterdays by Switchfoot that I'd quoted in an earlier post, and the video made me laugh, cry, and clutch Psyche, knowing she misses Boo just as much as I do. I still miss Bella everyday, but I was proud that I could laugh at some of those foolish pictures of her that were in the video. Thank you again, Abby. (To see the video go here: )

Today I'm watching old videos of her, and they make me smile. I miss my Boo with every fiber of my being, but I feel like I'm finally able (or at least today) to look back and smile about her. Love that I had her at all, love what she gave me, and just love her. I hold my memories more dear to my heart then ever before the longer she's gone.

My favorite video of Bella today:

Oh, my Boo. <3

No real point to this entry, I guess. Just some stuff on my heart I wanted to get out. Thanks to my friends and family who have been so supportive.

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