I guess it's about time I do this, huh?
I've been thinking about where I'd like each dog to be by the end of 2012. It's been hard because I don't know where I will physically be. I may not still be in New Brunswick, so I don't know what clubs I'll be training with, etc. I've also been on a waiting list about my ankle that I'll find out more about this year, so I don't know if I'll be able to run, if I'll be being operated on, all of that. It's hard to say, so I was hesitant to make a "list" of things I want to do by the end of 2012, because I don't want to look back at the end and be disappointed for not having reached each goal.
So this is a
draft of my goals that will never have a "good copy", really.
ZoeyWith Zoey I'd mostly just like her to be happy and healthy. She's more or less retired, but I've been throwing around the idea of getting her obedience better and maybe looking into some therapy work with her. She loves people so much this is likely what she'd be happiest doing.
PsycheFor Psyche my one biggest goal is to be able to be stress free at a trial by the end of the year. This might mean lots of trials or not very many at all. We're starting some private lessons that should help, and so hopefully by May/June we'll know just how likely that wish to trial will be.
I'd also like to teach her a boat load more tricks and just have fun with her. She's a fun dog, and I don't want to waste any time I've got with her not taking advantage of that fun.
CrashWith Crash I'd like to have him sequencing and doing most if not all obstacles by late-June. I've got two friends coming from Maryland to visit and they both do agility, so I'd like for them to be able to work him when they come, since I don't know how well Psyche will work for them. I'm also thinking maybe a trial by the end of the year. It's hard to say. It all depends a lot on what I have for equipment here, where I'll be, what I'll be doing for work, etc., and how much training I can actually do with him.
I'd also like to start him on sheep and see where we can go from there.
And of course, a continuation of the work on his anxiety.
SimiWith Simi I've got "big" hopes and dreams but they're not really big tasks. I'd like her to be well on her way to her BH by the end of the year, start in agility classes and working as appropriate for a only slightly over a year old puppy. And maybe somewhere in that year get her CGN title. And to start in sheep herding. So agility, schutzhund and herding. Sounds like a lot, right?
Over all, I just want to love my dogs and see them happy and healthy for many more years.